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Meet the Management Team: Deputy Training Officer (Gliding)

One of the key aims of NASC is to get as many cadets flying as possible, and, with over 250 residential cadets on the camp, this is no easy task! Plt Off Laura Gibb is one of the Deputy Training Officers on camp and her primary role is to check that each cadet is fit to fly. She has been with the camp for the last 2 years and is also supernumerary staff on 7AEF.

We asked Laura why cadets should be excited to come on camp and this is what she said: "The opportunities that are made available to them is beyond belief, the activities that are being planned they will not have a dull day"

On a more exciting note, Laura is also doing a fundraising skydive at the end of September for the RAF Association! If you would like to donate towards this, please follow this link.

Plt Off Gibb, Deputy Training Officer (Gliding)

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